How to get the desired pregnancy and what is the shortest way to a baby of your own.
Unlike all other medical areas where the disease is diagnosed first, and the treatment is matched to the diagnoses, in the reproductive medicine field, the common practice is “trial and error,” meaning trying light therapy, first several cycles, if fails, trying more aggressive treatment … and so on.
Our’s work-up method is the opposite of the trial and error method.
The guiding principle is: highly accurate diagnoses for both partners enables the most appropriate treatment choice.
Step one, non-invasive investigation of the reproductive system (for both partners)
The work-up is conducted over monthly menstrual cycle. In this context, the following are tested:
- The ovulation process
- Hormonal system (both partners)
- Basic sperm test.
- The female partner mechanical reproductive system (uterus and fallopian tubes) evaluation.
- Structure and quality of the internal coating of the womb (endometrium) who is responsible for the embryo implantation.
- The genetic screening, for both partners, based on a medical personal and familiar questionnaire.
- Breast examination
- Uterine cervix swab (PAP or HPV)
- General blood tests (including infectious and immunological diseases)
In each of the tests mentioned, dozens of parameters are tested and their meaning is analyzed by an expert system computer program that helps to make correct diagnoses. If this work-up does not produce working diagnoses,the next step:
Stage two: embryological evaluation (of the fertilized egg and pre-implantation embryo)
Diagnostic in vitro fertilization is especially necessary when there is no clear diagnosis at the initial stage, or the diagnosis requires in vitro fertilization treatment (such as obstruction of the fallopian tubes or severe sperm condition). This process may end in a pregnancy, having the value of treatment as well.
- Egg Assessment.
- Sperm ability to fertilize the egg.
- The morphologic quality of the embryo and his capability of reaching the implantation stage.
- Genetic testing of the embryos on the day of implantation, giving the opportunity to appreciate the chances of a viable pregnancy and a healthy baby.
The initial consultation, with the couple, is recommended “On-Line” after fulfilling the forms.