Fertility treatments
Intrauterine insemination(IUI): This treatment is intended to increase the chances of the female partner egg fertilization after ovulation had occurred. This procedure is indicated when a low sperm count and/or motility is diagnosed. The female partner is monitored by a transvaginal ultrasound scan of the small pelvis for the identification and timing of ovulation
The purpose of intrauterine insemination is to significantly increase the number of sperm cells that will reach the fallopian tube area (the place where the egg is picked up during ovulation). The semen undergoes a laboratory process in which the good moving sperm cells are isolated from the others. The solution containing a high concentration of semen is injected, with a thin tube, directly into the womb, close to the tube that has picked up the egg, so that within a few seconds the semen will reach the egg. Artificial insemination is a simple procedure that does not involve pain and is performed in the clinic.
Controlled Ovarian Stimulation and Intrauterine Insemination (COS&IUI):
When previously diagnosed, in the female partner, ovulatory or hormonal disorders this treatment is performed to induce ovulation and to schedule intrauterine insemination. During ovulation treatment, the partner will be required to inject artificial hormones similar to those secreted by the hypophyseal gland to induce follicular development and ovulation (gonadotropins): one type is designed to induce ovulation and the other type is for the final maturation of the egg and timing of the ovulation.
During this treatment, the ovarian response is monitored by blood tests to determine hormone levels and transvaginal ultrasound scans of the small pelvis, to determine the number and size of the ovarian follicles, and endometrial thickness. When this monitor indicates that one or two follicles are mature, the ovulation hormone is administrated which causes the follicular ruption and egg expulsion. 36 hours later, the egg will be picked up by the tube and be ready for fertilization. The couple is invited to the clinic, 36-40 hours later, for insemination.
Sperm Donation Treatment:
When using sperm from a donor, from the Sperm Bank, because the sample is frozen, the amount and quality of sperm cells are slightly impaired. In this situation, it is recommended to perform intrauterine insemination with or without ovulation induction, according to the female diagnoses.